Welcome The Last Thing I Wished I Said


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Great minds
Linda is so great at interviewing. Brought back so much love from my mom!❤️

The show we didn’t know we needed
Such a genuine podcast. Helps you face reality in how precious life is with your loved ones. Can’t wait for the next season!

Great, smart, interesting, respectful
Excellent presentations that give me a look into powerful, thought-provoking situations. I like it because it is serious, not sensationalist. It’s filled with empathy, great research and reveals true dedication in producing such quality content.

Beautiful podcast!
Dr. Overman creates a space for her guests to have an honest conversation on such an intimate and sensitive experience of life. It is so comforting for those that have lost loved ones. I highly recommend taking a listen for anyone that needs support through their grief.

Proud of you. Hard work
Wonderful project

Stirring and Tender
This lovely conversation between two friends talking openly about pain, coping, love, and loss is not to be missed by anyone who has been there. It set me to thinking: if I could say anything to my father, who died when I was 3, it would be,”Dad, I have missed you my entire life, and you had a daughter who has loved you with all her heart” Thank you, Linda, for encouraging these conversations.

Dr. Overman Gives Us A Chance To Find Some Peace
Dr. Overman has found a rehabilitative way to deal with the tragic death of her daughter by giving us a chance to say the words to a loved one we didn’t actually get to say. I’m so admiring of this podcast. Everyone has a story…and when people are willing to share these very very personal stories, we all benefit.